Summit - Proposals User Guide

The Summit - Proposals User Guide is here as a training tool, Help reference, and FAQ list.

Log In:
To access Summit Proposals, go to:
* Enter your CAS login credentials as you would with the current Summit Proposals you are familiar with or any other VT system.

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For questions about a specific proposal, contact the Pre-Award Associate listed in the proposal support staff section

Pre-Award Associate Listed in Proposal

To report an error message, contact 4Help with a copy of the error message and proposal ID.


How do I add a support staff or approver on an organization?

How do I export Proposal Data?

Go to a folder you want data from, for example the Closed folder.
1. Click "Closed" on the left pane
2. Add a filter to reduce the results (or not)
3. Click "Export" to then run through the export file wizard to eventually get a downloaded excel file of exported proposal data
Export Steps

Warning Known Issues