Navigation / User Preferences

User Preferences

A user can change 3 sets of personal settings:

  1. Opt Out/In to various Summit related emails
  2. Preferred e-mail address
  3. Default research organization

To get to this section, click your name at the top right of Summit and then click "User Preferences".

User Preferences Location

User Preferences Modal

Opt Out/In

The User Preferences deals with the email preferences for both Summit Proposals and Summit Agreements.

The first checkbox allows the ability for the user to opt out of all email notifications. The only emails that still won't be opted out are the ones required by the university, which at this time are only related to Compliance (e.g. DOD) and depends on your role (e.g. Principal Investigator).

If the user would like to opt out of individual emails, the targeted opt outs are listed below.

Preferred E-mail Address

By default the email listed here will be the user's pid +, but users can elect to use another email address for Summit communication emails.

Preferred Email

Other Settings

Default Research Organization

Users associated with multiple organizations can indicate which organization they mainly conduct research under if it is different from their Home Org. By clicking on the user name at the top right of the screen and choosing the User Preferences option, then Other Settings to the left, users can indicate a Default Research Organization.

Manage Preferences for Default Research Organization

The organization listed here will be the pre-populated organization in the submitting org and responsible org fields: - In the Proposal Initiation, the Default Research Organization defaults in the Submitting Organization field

Pre-populated fields in the Initiator for Default Research Organization

Pre-populated fields in the Editor for Default Research Organization

Users can still edit the fields for individual proposals. The Default Research Organization can be updated at any time and will only be used on new proposals. It does not update current fields.

Proposals E-mail Notifications

Depending on your role within a proposal and if you have the proposal as a favorite, will determine what email notifications you will receive. The one exception to this is if you are on the Proposal Team (PI, Co-PI, Proposal Team member) you will receive compliance email regardless of your email settings.

New Users to the system by default will have all email notifications turned on.

Below shows every email notification currently in Summit, what category that email corresponds to in the user preferences screen, who will receive that email, and any special circumstances around the email.

Email Notification Preference Category Sent to Note
Work Initiation Work Initiation Work Creator, PI, Support Staff Leads, Pre Award Associate All can opt out
DoD Notice Compliance Proposal Team members, Users with Preference ON & work favorited Proposal Team cannot opt out
NASA Notice Compliance Proposal Team members, Users with Preference ON & work favorited Proposal Team cannot opt out
NSF Notice Compliance Proposal Team members, Users with Preference ON & work favorited Proposal Team cannot opt out
NIH Notice Compliance Proposal Team members, Users with Preference ON & work favorited Proposal Team cannot opt out
DOE Notice Compliance Proposal Team members, Users with Preference ON & work favorited Proposal Team cannot opt out
International Question Compliance Proposal Team, Users with Preference ON & work favorited Proposal Team cannot opt out
Budget File Acceptance Routing/Approval Immediate Approvers in the organization All can opt out
Awaiting Approval Routing/Approval Immediate Approvers in the organization All can opt out
Routing Canceled Routing/Approval Users with Preference ON All can opt out
Return for Correction Routing/Approval Users with Preference ON All can opt out
Approval Discarded Routing/Approval Users with Preference ON All can opt out
Routing Approved Routing/Approval Users with Preference ON & work favorited All can opt out
PI Verification Needed Routing/Approval Users with Preference ON All can opt out
PI Verification Reminder Routing/Approval Users with Preference ON All can opt out
PI Verified Routing/Approval Users with Preference ON All can opt out
Pre-Award Verified Routing/Approval Users with Preference ON All can opt out
PI Verification Canceled Routing/Approval Users with Preference ON All can opt out
File Uploads File Uploads Users with Preference ON & work favorited All can opt out
File Version Uploads File Uploads Users with Preference ON & work favorited All can opt out
Target Date Reminder Deadline Communication Users with Preference ON & work favorited All can opt out
Approval Reminder Deadline Communication Users with Preference ON & work favorited All can opt out
Declined Email N/A PI, Submitting Org Support Staff Leads N/A

Note: A work is favorited automatically when added as a creator, PI, support staff lead, or the assigned Pre Award associate.