File Location
All files for a Foreign Person Review can be uploaded in the first panel, as shown below in the (Visa Category and Foreign Person(s) Information) and the area where the user can upload files is highlighted.
Add File
To add a file or files, press the "Add File(s)" button to the right of the section.
Once clicked, the File Upload modal will appear in the middle of the screen.
You can click on the Upload File(s) button within the modal to bring up your computer's file index to choose file(s) to add a file to the modal or you can drag and drop file(s) into the modal.
Once the file has been confirmed uploaded into the modal and the name verified to be saved (can be changed later with the Rename functionality), click the "Upload" button.
Now the file is in the Files section, where the file information can be viewed, downloaded by other users, renamed, file label(s) added (OESRC-only operation), or deleted.
Rename File
To rename a file already uploaded into Summit, click the pencil icon on the right.
Then edit the existing name in the text field provided and click "Submit". There is a 255-character limit.
Delete File
To delete a file uploaded into Summit, find the file you would like to delete and click the trash can icon on the right, then confirm in the modal and press "Submit".