User Permissions

A user can have various permissions to access work items in Summit Export Control (SEC).

A user can gain access to a work item in the system by being added directly or indirectly to that work item. A user can be added directly to a work item by being a PI, Co-PI, or Team member and added indirectly by being a support staff or support staff lead on an organization that is on the work item for SP or agreement staff with SA.

Foreign Person

This is the one or more foreign person(s) added to the FPR that is being reviewed.

Host Faculty/Supervisor

This is the Virginia Tech person hosting or supervising the foreign person(s).

Additional Department Personnel

Is added into the VT Team by another user with access to the Review. Has the same edit capabilities as the Host Faculty/Supervisor (except in the Faculty Approval Pending status)


Gains access by default to the Review as a result of creating the Review.