Foreign Persons Review (FPR)


Virginia Tech is required by federal regulations to establish procedures to monitor assignments to its facilities of foreign persons to ensure that the disclosure of, and access to, export-controlled articles and related information are limited to those that are approved by an export authorization. Additionally, Virginia Tech must certify whether or not an H-1B/H-1B1/L-1/O-1A applicant requires an export license in accordance with part 6 of the I-129 Petition for a Nonimmigrant Worker.

Virginia Tech is also a registered exporter with the Department of State and Virginia Tech has an obligation to comply with U.S. export and sanctions regulations (22 CFR 120-130, 15 CFR 300-799, 31 CFR 500-599). In order to maintain compliance with these requirements, International Affairs and OESRC have established procedures that require an OESRC review of all foreign persons who are not degree seeking students enrolled at Virginia Tech.


To create a Foreign Persons Review (FPR), click "Get Started" in the top right corner.

Since there is only one review type currently available for general users, the initiation screen will default to the Foreign Persons Review (FPR) option.

Once in the initiation modal for FPRs, all fields are required to be completed for FPR to be initiated (except the Foreign Person's Middle Name field).

Initiation Fields:

Static Pane

FPR Static Pane

Action Band

FPR Action Band

Appears below the Static Pane

Panels & Panes

Visa Category and Foreign Person(s) Information

Virginia Tech Team

VT Team Panel


Workflow (statuses)

Draft status
Draft Instructions

Any user with access to this Review will have the ability to edit and then transition it to the next status of Faculty Approval Pending by clicking the "Submit to Host Faculty" button in the top right portion of the actions band or at the bottom of the screen.

Faculty Approval Pending status

Only the Host Faculty/Supervisor will have the ability to transition the Review to the next status of Initial Review, by pressing the "Approve & Submit to OESRC" button in the top right portion of the actions band or at the bottom of the screen.


The Review can still be put back into the Draft status by clicking the "Return to Draft" button or abandoning the Review by clicking the "Abandon Draft" button.

Initial Review status

This process step is for OESRC to conduct an initial validation of the information that has been submitted prior to moving the case to In Progress and advancing the Review. Any user with access to this Review will still have the ability to edit.

In Progress status

The Review is now in the OESRC analysis process and can only be edited by OESRC users.

Closed statuses

There are three closed reasons for a FPR: Complete, Canceled, and Abandoned.