Funded Agreement without Proposal (Fw/oP)


This agreement type is a funded agreement that does not have an associated approved proposal.

When an awards comes to OSP without a proposal, a Funded Agreement Without Proposal (Fw/oP) is setup in Summit Agreements to be a placeholder, until such time a proposal has been created in Summit Proposals and moved through the various proposal stages, where then a Fw/oP can be converted by a Contracts associate and a Proposed Funded Agreement can be created. The Fw/oP will be closed with the status Converted, information from the proposal and Fw/OP will be combined appropriately into the PFA, and all tasks moved from the Fw/oP to the PFA. The PFA from then on with be the working agreement for that original award that came in without a proposal.


A Contracts associate will create a Fw/oP in Summit Agreements when they are notified of an award and there is no proposal in Summit Proposals or the proposal is not in the appropriate status.

